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Video Business Card

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

(Mark 16:15)

The "Video Business Card" is a 60 sec. video promo presentation which can be used on your website, FB, attached to your outgoing emails, Youtube or any Social Media. It is an innovative way to promote you, your ministry, product or event. Please review the following Promo Link or just follow the instructions below.



1.) First, Submit your images as an attachment in your    e-mail … either in the form of a jpeg or short videos.

2.) Secondly, include any text or description of what you are promoting. Be sure that spelling is correct

3.) Lastly, a PayPal Payment request of $175 will be sent to your e-mail address. Once payment is made then production will begin, with a proof sent back to you within 24-48 hours. Once you have received your approved Video Business Card, it's yours to use as you please.  Your personalized promo can reach thousands!


Place your order today, at, or call 702.884.1330

"Video Business Card" demos

Roland Pollard


producer / engineer / songwriter / Musician / film maker / Graphic Designer

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